Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 8-8-2020

BOD meeting Called to Order following General Membership Meeting 8/8/2020

Present:Ken Barnes, Constance Jones, Rick Johnson, Steve Taplin, Ben Mefford, Trever Contreras, Denny Tsang, Eirene Blomberg, Doug Wiltshire and Julianne Kohn
Also present: Cyra Jane, Renee Roberts

Agenda Items Discussed:

1-Change of Board Positions

President: Ken Barnes vacating position,
Ben Mefford Nominated by Rick Johnson/ Steve Taplin seconded
Unanimously passed

Vice President:
Vacated Position: Ben Mefford
Denny Tsang nominated by Ben Mefford
Unanimously passed

Kirsten Rayhawk Vacated position
Trevor Contreras was nominated by Julianne Kohn
Unanimously passed

Ellie Hochman
Unanimously passed

Board members leaving:
Constance Jones
Michael Yeaman
Ken Barnes
Kirsten Rayhawk (Anyone else?)

New Board of directors members voted in were :
Eirene Blomberg
Denny Tsang
Trevor Contreras
Steve Taplin

Returning Board members:
Doug Wiltshire

2- Discussion of outreach to minority communities:

Rick Johnson will reach out to his connections on the art commission
Board agreed to pursue this as a goal.
Will also follow up with name change Pilgrim Firs to a more culturally sensitive name.
Proposed name change to Salish Symposium. Further research to be done on if this is in fact culturally sensitive or could be seen as a colonization of the name.

3- On line Auction:

Discussed fund raising.
All agreed to put this discussion off till our next meeting in October.
Possible plan to do a fund raiser in January.

4- Communications issues with emails.

Ben suggested a board position of “communications person”.
Denny offered to help explore issues and talk with Carl and Ken.
Face book
Website directing everyone to one source
Ben to talk to Cyra about what Plush platform has to offer.
NWSSA to consider getting a new platform to keep members better informed about upcoming events etc
Agreed to continue the Plush platform and keep Forum open for the next month and see if people use it. If it is used then it will be continued.


Recorded and Submitted: 8/19/20
Ellie Hochman- Secretary


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