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Northwest Stone Sculptors Association

Our mission is to nurture the community of stone sculptors by developing educational opportunities, providing a support system to members, and facilitating interaction with regional, national, and international communities

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Rocks are ancient. We stay fresh.

Finding Stones for Sculpture and What’s Within

Every spring the melting snows off the Cascades bring down a delightful assortment of rounded and fractured stones and cobbles that only nature can prepare for the coming months of the rivers’ ongoing garage sale. As the waters recede and expose the year’s offerings, my fellow stone carvers and I trek to our favorite rivers in the foothills to look

About NWSSA Symposia

Typically, NWSSA hosts two major events per year: the Washington State International Sculpture Symposium (for over 32 years), currently held at the Pilgrim Firs Camp & Conference Center in Port Orchard, WA, and the Oregon State International Sculpture Symposium (for over 25 years), currently held at the Suttle Lake Campground in Sisters, OR. These symposium further our mission and provide

NWSSA Mission & Vision

OUR MISSION NWSSA is a non-profit membership organization serving as a resource for the carving and presentation of stone sculpture.  It develops education opportunities, provides a support system, and facilitates interaction with regional, national and international communities. VISION + PURPOSE As an educational and professional resource, the organization can provide its membership numerous benefits: We benefit the local, national and

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