Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 5-3-2021

Date 5/3/21
Time 6pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom

Board members on 20/21 board
Rick Johnson, Ben Medford, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Trever Contreras, Eirine Blomberg , Doug Wiltshire , Rick Johnson, Stephen Taplin
Absent: Denny Tsang
Staff Present: none
Guests: Tamara Buchanan,

NWSSA president Ben Mefford called meeting to order.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on May 3rd, 2021 at 6PM PST
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting will be done at the June meeting

-Agenda items:
-Approve minutes from 3/29 will be postponed to next BOD meeting.
-Updates: Events
-Commitment to hosting OR symposium?
-Separating the general meeting from WA event this year, holding it virtually
-Committee Assignments
-Set next two meeting dates

Committee reports:
-Finance- Provided by Trevor Contreras

-Summer Symposium: presented by Ben Mefford
Proposal: NWSSA will follow the Washington state and CDC guidelines on large gatherings. RE; NWSSA (Pilgrim Firs) Summer Symposium
Stephen Taplin moved the motion
Doug seconded the motion
Discussion occurred
Vote was taken:
All present were in favor
None opposed
No abstentions

Next Board of Directors meeting: June 2nd @ 6PM
Next General Membership meeting is:July 28th
Executive session held: no
Meeting Minutes recorded by Ellie Hochman 5/4/21


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