Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 11-29-2023

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association

Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 11/29/2023

Time: 6:32 P.M. PST

Location: Virtual via Zoom


Board members: 
Ellie Hochman, Jeremy Kester, Stephen Taplin, Cyra Jane Hobson, Tamara Buchanan, Pat Barton, Markos Weiss, Denny Tsang, Deborah Wilson, Batya Friedman, Michael Yeaman

Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All

Absent: None

Quorum: Yes

Staff Present: Renee Roberts

Guests: Rachell Jarvis


A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 11/29/2023, at 6:32p.m. PST.  Ellie Hochman (President) called the meeting to order.

Approve Consent agenda

Minutes Submitted

10/11/2023 NWSSA BOD Meeting Minutes

A motion was made to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Tamara’s nomination:
“I move that the BOD award to Redacted the Lifetime…Award for  [Lifetime Achievement] (or?) at the July, 2024 Membership meeting. “REDACTED ” The recipient will receive a certificate and a Lifetime membership in NWSSA.
What do we call it?
-NWSSA Lifetime Achievement Award
-“The Keystone Award” for lifetime achievement in stone sculpture and significant contributions to NWSSA


Web address change? Use of carvestone.org?
Use of carvestone.org for SEO, traffic etc. but continue to use NWSSA.org as URL
Get Carl on for the January meeting. Zoom with Carl and Zoey prior to the meeting in December TBD.

Dates of future Board meetings  2/14/24 (Batya ) 5 min

BOD Data Management Approach (Michael) 10 min

BOD use of Gmail (Michael) 10 min

Treasurer’s Report: Michael Yeaman

Website report: Carl Nelson

Happenings/Calendar follow up:
Aerin is willing to take over.

Old Business:

Motion: Increase the stipend for the Administrative Assistant role from $400 per month to $600 per month Beginning January 1, 2024.

Follow up from retreat action plans:

Draft of BOD roles by January meeting.

Membership Fees vs. Administrative costs: Michael Yeaman

Kubota Gardens Debrief: (see attached) 
Motion made to expand the Kubota Gardens show from one to two days and cover up to $2000 overnight security cost.

Membership dues survey: Stephen Taplin
Punt to January.

NWSSA Members Questions to the board: 5 minutes

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. PST by Ellie Hochman (President). 


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