Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 11-16-2021

Date: 11-16-2021
Time 6:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
ATTENDANCEBoard members present:Stephen Taplin, Rick Johnson,  Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny  Tsang, Tamara Buchanan Trever Contreras, Eirene Blomberg 
Board Members
Absent: None
Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All
Staff Present: None
Guests: Barbara Neswald chair of the journal committee.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called on November 16th, 2021 at 6:30 pm.Denny Tsang, President, called the meeting to order.
Agenda items:
1~ The Journal – Barbara Neswald
2~ Vote to Hire Cathy for accounting
3~ Flower and Garden Show
4~  Renee’s Contract
5~ Committee updates 

 -Meeting minutes of 10-19-21  passed unanimously.

1-Barbara Neswald- new chair of the Journal Committee – Introductions, questions and

   Discussion of electronic vs paper for journal.

   Board will discuss this at next meeting.

2-Hiring an bookkeeper- Proposal was made by Trevor C. to hire Cathy at Numbers and     

    Boxes bookkeeping company including purchasing Quickbooks electronic software.

    Rick J made the motion to approve this proposal.

    Eirene B seconded the motion.

    Vote taken.

    Motion passed unanimously.

3-Flower and Garden Show- Ed Salerno has agreed to coordinate the Flower and Garden

    Show on February 9th-13th, 2022.

    The board agrees that Trevor C., treasurer will sign the contract for that event

4-Renee’s contract- It is agreed that the executive committee will meet with Renee to

   Gather information about the responsibilities and of that position that she holds. 

   Fair compensation issues to also be discussed. 

5- Committee updates:

                Grants Committee:

                 Stephen Taplin agreed to chair this committee.

                 Rick Johnson will work with Stephen on this committee.

                 Several ideas were discussed:

                 Developing a system to track grants. Also discussed the idea of “Legacy

                 Grants for NWSSA” by our members to be put in their estate planning. R

               Women’s Hand Carving Event:

    Update: This event is moving forward and is planned for June 3,4,5 2022 at the

    Old Alcohol Plant in Port Haddlock WA. “Save the Date” will be sent out this month.

Finance Committee: see above.

Membership Committee:

Sue Kalahalos     Chairperson

Ellie Hochman, Volunteer/Board Liaison

Sue will be looking for committee members in the many regions that NWSSA serves.

She plans on developing a flow chart to work best follow up on tasks of this committee.

Archives Committee:

Tamara Buchanan, Chairperson

Women’s Hand carving Workshop

Ellie Hochman: Chairperson

Cate Hempton: Volunteer

Beth Krehbiel.: Volunteer

Communications Committee

Leah Davidson: Chairperson (I am following up to see if she is able to put time in.)

Carl Nelson: Volunteer

Exhibition/ gallery shows Committee:

Leon White: Chairperson

Legal Committee:

Patty McPhee: Chairperson

Update: The committee is following through and have identified a firm to meet with. Committee has identified the first issue to be addressed is updating NWSSA symposium forms.

New Business:

New Board Member:

Since Doug Wiltshire resigned his board position, we no longer have Oregon State board representation. Dave Haslett was suggested as a candidate.

Denny T will reach out to Dave H to inquire about his interest in this position.

Mid-Winter Gathering

Board discussed a virtual gathering/workshops. Ideas were presented.

Denny T. agreed to check with Cyra Jane Hobson to see if she would coordinate the event.

Eirene B. agreed to look for someone who would like to coordinate that event if Cyra did not have interest.

Follow up from last meeting

Next meeting is:  January, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom

Executive session held   __yes    __X_no

Meeting Minutes recorded by Ellie Hochman   on 11/16/21, submitted to board members 11/18/21, approved 1/18/22  .


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