Angle Grinders

Part of this material I used in the 20 hour granite course I taught at Pratt. Most of the info is from Tom Urban’s workshop at Camp Brotherhod, some from a workshop by Don Ramey that Hank Nelson organized at my place years ago. If you find anything useful, please add it to the article […]
Air Hammers

Part of this material I used in the 20 hour granite course I taught at Pratt. Most of the info is from Tom Urban’s workshop at Camp Brotherhod, some from a workshop by Don Ramey that Hank Nelson organized at my place years ago. If you find anything useful, please add it to the article […]
Splitting Granite

Part of this material I used in the 20 hour granite course I taught at Pratt. Most of the info is from Tom Urban’s workshop at Camp Brotherhod, some from a workshop by Don Ramey that Hank Nelson organized at my place years ago. If you find anything useful, please add it to the article […]
Kirk McLean – Artist Spotlight (2019)

My first serious encounter with stone was a mixed-materials piece in 1982, featuring a 300-pound granite glacial erratic that I had dragged from the woods. Working on this piece got me totally hooked on stone and particularly on granite. Since my training was in metal casting and fabrication and I knew nothing about carving stone, […]

Part of this material I used in the 20 hour granite course I taught at Pratt. Most of the info is from Tom Urban’s workshop at Camp Brotherhod, some from a workshop by Don Ramey that Hank Nelson organized at my place years ago. If you find anything useful, please add it to the article […]
President’s Message – Sept/Oct 1998

Being on the Board of Directors has been an on-going education in the mechanics of running an arts organization. Dealing with budgets, meetings, and organizational planning is not really, however, why I belong to the NWSSA. My first experience with the Camp Brotherhood symposium was one of the most energizing experiences I’ve had as an […]
President’s Message – July/Aug 1998
I’m writing this in the early morning at Camp Brotherhood. Around the coffeepot, sculptors have gathered in their ongoing study of whether caffeine replaces sleep. The pace is picking up and soon laughing people swapping stories about stones, tools, ideas and visions will surround me. Then we’ll be off to the field to the roar […]
President’s Message – May/June 1998

Ah, spring, when thoughts turn to beginning a new sculpture. The NWSSA governance structure has also been going through some spring changes. We’ve increased the number of Directors by three and appointed new members who began serving at the April Board meeting. Their appointments run to the end of this year, at which time the […]
President’s Message – Jan/Feb 1998

The new year is off to a great start with the opening of the show Sculptore ’98 at the Washington State Convention Center. Many thanks to the members who have been working so hard to put the show together. I would like to thank the outgoing board members Pat, Sudha, Tamara, and Tracy for […]