The Spirit of Camp B Lives On! – Sept/Oct 2000

The spirit of Camp Brotherhood is more than an event or a place — we found that it will exist wherever several carvers gather to work, share thoughts, and break bread. While the face carving master class was a great success, there are many other chances to get together to collaborate. Perhaps some of you can think of carving events or group activities which would be worthwhile.

There was discussion at Camp Brotherhood about collecting native stone—that would be an ideal weekend small group activity. Several of us want to improve our work areas or studios, and a group is helpful when fans are installed or walls are to be raised. And how much more productive and inspirational would it be to work every day in a studio which had been built with the help of fellow carvers?

So lets put our creative thoughts to this purpose: imagine some small group activity, and solicit participants! This newsletter is the ideal place to place ideas, calls for help, and announce plans. Some of us are a little far-flung, but a week-end spent doing something in a small group can provide sufficient motivation for the drive.

If you have an idea for a collaborative activity, call Sondra Shira at 425-227-9489 .

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