- Use a level of lighting to suit the stage of sculpting. Don’t polish in dim light and show it off with display spotlights.
- Veins and small cracks won’t sand out no matter how hard you try.
- Different can be better, even on the same stone. It’s an attention-getter.
- A stone’s grain or pattern can cause an optical illusion that might distort the sculpture’s final presentation. Plan ahead.
- Believe the sealer labels when they say, “Test in an inconspicuous place.”
- A piece of dental floss can be used to cut clay, or cheese.
- Modeling clay too soft? Cool it off in the refrigerator for a while.
- Make sure the drill bit overrun isn’t into something valuable. Beware the poke-through “blowout.”
- Does your lug wrench really fit your car’s lug nuts?