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An Afternoon of Sun And Stone in Volunteer Park 6-12-16


Media Contact:
Renée Roberts, NWSSA Office Administrator
206-395-9736 | | @nwssa_renee |

An Afternoon of Sun and Stone in Volunteer Park
June 12, 2016 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Volunteer Park, Seattle, WA

Join Northwest Stone Sculptors Association members for a pop-up sculpture showcase, picnic, and sale on the lawn between SAAM and the Conservatory in Seattle’s Volunteer Park. The sculptors will be showing over 50 of their works and will be onsite to discuss the stones, techniques, and set up the bbq.

Volunteer Park – Seattle
1247 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112

This event is FREE to the public. Families are welcome, Picnics encouraged!

2016 Outdoor Sculpture Show Mount Vernon

NWSSA’s 29th Annual Outdoor Sculpture ShowJuly 16, 2016Mount Vernon, WA   The Northwest Stone Sculptors Association Celebrates our 29th Anniversary with

NW Flower & Garden Show 2016

NWSSA’S BOOTH AT THE 2016 NORTHWEST FLOWER AND GARDEN SHOW By K. Monika Hawkinson I am pleased to report that

Camp B 2016, July 9-16

29th Annual International Stone Carving SymposiumCampB2016
Camp Brotherhood
July 9th-17th, 2016

We invite you to join us at the Treacy Levine Center at Camp Brotherhood for up to eight days of playing with stone, communing with nature, and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow stone enthusiasts. Bring yourself, your creative energy, your humor, tools, and a favorite piece of stone. If you don’t have stone or tools, we have an entire tent set up for beginners with tools and instructors. 

The Camp provides furnished lodge rooms and three full meals a day for the ultimate freedom to delve into carving and making friends. Tools and stone are also available for sale by our vendors. Sharing information, tips, and inspiration is something we all do. Evenings are filled with slideshows, informational talks, a hoot of a fundraising auction, a music filled final night party, campfires and more. You are also invited to bring a piece for the public sculpture show on the last Saturday.

President’s Message May-June 2016

From the President….  The second annual International Sculpture Day was this April 24th. Maybe you had work on display or

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