

Sue blends a unique combination of movement and spirit in each of her sculptures.  Her background in physical therapy and lifelong love of nature provide a constant source of inspiration.


Sue has been sculpting in stone since 1995 and in 2004 she moved to Whidbey Island and began sculpting larger scale work.  She loves to transform rigid and unyielding stone into soft and fluid lines making the stone irresistible to touch. Art brings depth and balance to Sue’s life and provides a connection to her spiritual source.

Windscape II

In the past 12 years, Sue has explored working in harder materials such as granite and basalt as well as increasing the scale of her sculpture.  Although often inspired by a particular stone, Sue also creates work in series, using her sculpture to explore specific themes  relating to the physical world around us such as “Wind” and “Waves.” Sue spends her time making dust at her studio on South Whidbey Island at Freeland Art Studios.

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