Artist Spotlight – Nichole Sharpe

First Bird

Nichole Sharpe “First Bird’, Yellow Wave
Pyrophyllite, 28” X 12” X 15”

‘First Bird’ was carved from a 300lb block of Yellow Wave Pyrophyllite that I purchased a couple years ago. I was attracted to the beautiful colors and the almost wood-like grain. After studying the stone for a couple years I still could not sense the sculpture within. I’ve never had this much trouble sensing the image in a stone and yet at the same time been so drawn to start working with it.

Finally, last summer, I began to carve the stone, deciding to let my intuition guide me. Soon I realized a bird like shape was beginning to emerge. Who knew? After years of carving primarily human figures I kept thinking – I don’t sculpt birds. However, no matter what I did to redirect the image into some other form it just kept showing up as a bird. So I decided – bird it is. Some have said it has a Pelican quality, perhaps so. I really don’t know. I just experience the bird energy.

I donated this sculpture to the Woodland Park Zoo to be auctioned off at their annual fundraiser. The sculpture brought in $2900.00. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to help raise funds for a great organization. I sense there will be other birds in my sculpting future.

You can see Nichole’s work on her website at:

“First Bird” article appeared in the Jan-Feb-March 2011 Sculpture NorthWest Journal

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