Links for these events will become live as registration & information becomes available
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Save the dates and plan your summer for one or both symposia planned for 2022!
In each, extensive carving sessions are interspersed with informative classes and stimulating sculpting lessons. Field mentors and instructors are available to help guide you through your challenges. Bring your gear (if you are a beginner, we have tools you can use), connect to our power, water and air sources and peruse the tools and variety of stones being carved and available for purchase from our on-site vendors.
The symposia are open to all levels from beginners who have never carved stone before to the professional sculptor. These events are one of the most supportive and inclusive environments you will ever encounter. Make new friends, renew old friendships, get inspired, pose your question, answer someone’s question, and fire up the creative spirit in a rich, sharing environment.
Currently In Session: JULY 9th-17th, 2022:  Washington Summer Symposium At Camp Pilgrim Firs, Port Orchard, WA
Watch for registration to open soon for this eight-day symposium on the lovely grounds of Pilgrim Firs Camp in Port Orchard. This year we welcome guest artists Candyce Garrett, Stephanie Robison, and Deborah Wilson. We will have an expanded Beginner’s tent, pinning and sleeving station, the NWSSA general assembly meeting, campfires, inspiring conversations and, hopefully, you!
Work Study Applications are Open! Please email the Director at for an application. Registration is Closed 
AUGUST 7-14th 2022: Suttle Lake Symposium in SIsters, Oregon
After two years of silence, the Northwest Stone Sculptors Association is excited to hold our annual Oregon State Stone Carving Symposium at Suttle Lake Camp!! Suttle Lake Camp is nestled on the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains 14 miles west of Sisters. It is a special place where the vivid green of Western Oregon mingles with the sunny beauty of the eastern part of the state. This is the 6th year we are returning to this venue that has become our ‘home’. Guest Artists will include: Sabah Al-Dhaher, Matt AuvinenMark Herrington and Lawrence Stoller.
Registration will be open soon. Questions? Contact Symposium Director Kentaro Kojima at 
Registration s Now OPEN

AUGUST 20-21, 2022  Evergreen Arboretum Sculpture Walk
In collaboration with the Everett Arboretum & Gardens, Schack Art Center and the Fresh Paint event we will be co-sponsoring a two-day Sculpture Walk at the Evergreen Arboretum in Everett, WA. The Fresh Paint event has attracted tens of thousands of people (pre-covid) and we anticipate that many of those attending this year’s Fresh Paint will wander up to visit this year’s Sculpture Walk. Keep your eyes open for the “call for artists”. All members are invited  to display your outdoor and indoor pieces at this event. We also will be looking for volunteers for this event. We will send out a request for volunteer sign up closer to the date.

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