President’s Message – Sept/Oct 2007

We are going to have a get together earlier rather than during the Christmas season. No freezing weather, a wee warmer and a great place to gather amidst the great stones of the Stonearium with your fellow stoners. Put it on your calendar.


As I write to you at this time of year, our symposiums are pleasant memories and we face many months ahead bereft of social mingling. For those of you who have space, and or obliging neighbors, consider having a mini symposium in your own community. Contact members in your area and plan a get together to carve, talk shop and just share our love of stone. Don’t you think that’s a great idea? We’re planning on having one in Portland in that wonderful month of Jan. Keeps the wraiths away.


I recently read an article entitled “Feeding the Ancestors.” It’s not what you’d think. The concept is one of quiet, reflective introspection. Socrates would stand for hours and observe the clouds, so at the least one could seem to be philosophizing! Tribes in Ethiopia follow the same path. The point is that by quiet reflection we feed both ourselves and our ancestors. I don’t know that I quite get it, but I think I shall reflect on the clouds this winter and see what they bring forth. In this White Rabbit world a quiet time beside a creek, or meadow would seem to be connective.


I just spent a few days on the North Fork of the John Day River collecting river stones. I don’t know whether my ancestors spoke to me or not, but the peace of nature permeated my days. The next time someone chides you for what they call day dreaming, just tell ‘em you’re communing with you ancestors. It’s sure to be a conversation stopper.


So I leave you with thoughts of quiet solitude and of social interaction, both of which have their place in our lives. As artists we tend to spend much of our time in busy solitude, carving or in cubicles of one kind or another, spending time. So it is that commodity of time that we have some measure of control over and input.

Feed your ancestors. Feed your colleagues with your presence.


Join us for a NWSSA Fall Fest and let’s stir the pot. It’s going to be pizza, alla kinds. No pot luck. Scott says we might even have a live band. Check page 15 for more details. See you in October.


Your President,

Elaine Mac Kay


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