President’s Message – Sept/Oct 2000

I would like to take this opportunity to say how much our symposia and various workshops energize and fulfill my stone sculpting reality. For those of us not blessed to be able to sculpt as much as we want to, these events create their own little time warp in which we can totally immerse ourselves in a wonderfully different reality.

My time at Camp B was the last time I have had an opportunity to sculpt this summer, and I’m still enjoying the memory. Our various events all have a different flavor in terms of size, instructors, topics, hand tools or power, location, and time of year. I hope this variety allows everyone in this organization an opportunity to enjoy our common bond of stone sculpting.

Now that all of our major events for the year are over (except the holiday party), it is time to begin planning for next year. If there is something you would like to see happen next year, now is the time to get involved and let someone know. Contact the manager for the event, or talk with one of the Board members, and help make next year even better. Happy sculpting.


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