President’s Message – Sept/Oct 1999

There are a couple of recent changes in the NWSSA to report to you. The first is that Leon White has volunteered to be chair of the Exhibitions committee. The committee not only puts on our exhibitions, but also recommends what shows we should sponsor. If you would like to help Leon, please give him a call. This is an oppommity for new members to become involved and to get to know their fellow sculptors. Thanks, Leon.
The other major change is that after being the guiding force for the symposia for the last decade, Vic Picou is stepping down as Director of Symposia at the end of the year. Anyone who has been involved in helping manage a symposium knows how much we owe to Vic for his hard work and his dedication to making the event happen. Vic has offered to serve as consultant to the new Director for the next two years, so that whoever takes his place will get the maximum support possible. If you are interested in this rewarding job (it’s one of our few paid positions, albeit not paid well) please let either Vic or me know.
The Board is finishing up the process that we started last year of writing policy guidelines. We are about to adopt revised and updated guidelines for running the symposia and we are setting up a finance committee to help handle budget management more effectively. As you can imagine, the Board meetings are nothing but fun, fun, fun. Hopefully we’ll leave next year’s Board with less to do.
Happy carving,

There are a couple of recent changes in the NWSSA to report to you. The first is that Leon White has volunteered to be chair of the Exhibitions committee. The committee not only puts on our exhibitions, but also recommends what shows we should sponsor. If you would like to help Leon, please give him a call. This is an oppommity for new members to become involved and to get to know their fellow sculptors. Thanks, Leon. 

The other major change is that after being the guiding force for the symposia for the last decade, Vic Picou is stepping down as Director of Symposia at the end of the year. Anyone who has been involved in helping manage a symposium knows how much we owe to Vic for his hard work and his dedication to making the event happen. Vic has offered to serve as consultant to the new Director for the next two years, so that whoever takes his place will get the maximum support possible. If you are interested in this rewarding job (it’s one of our few paid positions, albeit not paid well) please let either Vic or me know. 

The Board is finishing up the process that we started last year of writing policy guidelines. We are about to adopt revised and updated guidelines for running the symposia and we are setting up a finance committee to help handle budget management more effectively. As you can imagine, the Board meetings are nothing but fun, fun, fun. Hopefully we’ll leave next year’s Board with less to do. 

Happy carving,

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