President’s Message – Sept/Oct 1997


What a wonderful NWSSA symposium season we’ve had A full schedule of four events and the unique offering of each has been most bountiful. I hope each of you has been inspired and received the materials and tools to actualize your sculptural goals.

Increasingly, opportunities to display our work are occurring. The show at the Bellingham Festival of Music on the Western Washington University campus was enthusiastically received An invitation was given for next year. Camano Island is seeking, through their Chamber of Commerce and the History of the World Part IV Gallery, sculpture for display and sale. A show for the Oregon members is being planned for the state capital. A call for sculpture is being made for a show at the Seattle Convention Center in January, February and March 1998.

The Northwest Flower and Garden Show and our presentation in a display garden and booth will be in February. For the garden, 1 am requesting larger pieces (24″ and larger). Please send photos and descriptions for selection to Rich Hestekind.

To be more responsive to your needs and desires as Association members, we are requesting your suggestions for NWSSA. The current Board and new Board nominees are meeting for a planning retreat in November led by Kay Moquin and Jim Paget. Your input is critical for our future.

The next general membership meeting is Oct. 11 at Manakos Rock Center (Preston/Fall City exit off of 1-90) from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. In addition to a tour of the facility and a workshop on masonry techniques and stone carving, we will discuss your ideas and what our future should look like.

See you there.



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