President’s Message – Nov/Dec 2008

Well another presidential missive late to the editors’ desk. I never give them time to do the back and forth of editing. Last month the word “obliged” was used where I had wanted “regretted” regarding the suspension of the hand carving retreat. A small difference, but I want to assure you all that it was not something we did with any pleasure. “Much obliged, ma’am.”


The board at this moment is in the throws of a rhetorical debate on the meaning of membership. We are trying to rework our by-laws to better comply with our current practices. They seem to have been written with a more involved membership in mind.


Ah, the joys of a policy board. I love this type of wide-ranging debate, truly. Great people – the members of the board. They are hard working and imaginative problem solvers, and I am pleased to be a part of it all. Our first priority is to replace ourselves, so that this organization can survive and grow in the years to come. A close second is to replace the dedicated folks that work tirelessly to make the symposia happen. Camp Directors are as rare as hens’ teeth. If you want to be on the board, contact any of the current members. If you would like to volunteer at Camp brotherhood and learn the ropes, contact Elaine MacKay.

I have been reviewing videotapes of previous symposia and want to thank Vic Picou again for the foresight in having these records made.


Now I must get back to the fun of deciding if it is the Northwest Stone SCULPTORS Association, or the Northwest Stone SCULPTURE Association. I’m on the side of the sculptor, our members in particular. What are your thoughts?


NWSSA – “Serving our members since 1987”

-Tom Francis

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We need some kind of descriptive text here.