President’s Message – Nov/Dec 1998

With the season of giving thanks upon us, I’d like to express my appreciation for everyone who has worked for the NWSSA this year. We’ve been able to put together a strong series of exhibitions and symposia this year due to many people joining their hands and minds in a collective effort. Sometimes I think, “How wonderful! All these people put in this effort just so I can grow as a sculptor and have a good time as well.” Thank you all.


This year’s Board of Directors has borne more of a load than usual with a major revision of the bylaws and producing written policies for our activities coming on top of the usual business. I’m grateful for all their hard work, as well as their patience with a president who’s been learning on the job. Some of the directors will not be coming back next year and we will miss their contributions. Anastasia Miller helped us this year by taking one of the newly created positions, as well as working hard on several projects. Bill Laprade and Ward Lynch have served four years, helping in a number of key roles and especially assisting this year’s Board with their experience.


Vic Picou is also leaving the Board after serving ten years, seven of them as president and three as symposium director. Vic has put in a tremendous amount of time and thought over the years towards furthering the NWSSA and I think we owe a lot to his efforts.


I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, with the opportunity to see lots of arts, carve lots of stone and maybe get that special tool you’ve always needed.


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