President’s Message Nov-Dec 2015

Carl Nelson

The planning for Seattle’s 2016 Flower and Garden Show in February has begun. Kerin Monica Hawkinson has agreed to take on the coordination of this year’s NWSSA booth at the show. As a member, you may display your work at this show where thousands of people will see it. Watch for the NWSSA list serve notice in your email or check our web site for details starting after Thanksgiving, to make your submission. If you have never participated before, this is a good way to get started with displaying your work.

Reserve the evening of Saturday January 23rd 2016 for an informal workshop/discussion/salon at Batya Freidman’s home in Seattle. The discussion will be a follow-up on last year’s: “Art, Design, and Intention – All to What End?”  It promises to be an evening filled with good conversation, so check the workshops part of the NWSSA web site in December.

Last year Lakewold Gardens presented an opportunity for NWSSA members to display large outdoor pieces in an extraordinary setting

(check the article:

One thing we heard from members was that the display time for big outdoor pieces was short. We are working with Lakewold so that this year large pieces will be on display from early-mid April until mid-late September. If you have large outdoor pieces please consider participating in Lakewold this year and keep an eye out for the call.

May you flourish in the coming months and your work area be filled with chips, dust, and mud — if you work wet.

Carve proud




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