President’s Message – May/June 1998

Ah, spring, when thoughts turn to beginning a new sculpture.

The NWSSA governance structure has also been going through some spring changes. We’ve increased the number of Directors by three and appointed new mem­bers who began serving at the April Board meeting. Their appointments run to the end of this year, at which time the positions will be open in the next election. I would like to thank Anastasia Miller, Patty McPhee, and Arliss Newcomb for agreeing to serve. Their energy and interest have already had an impact.

We’ve also set up new committees and are working on policies and procedures for carrying out their activities, as well as working on revising the bylaws. This is a long process, but the Directors have accomplished much already. I appreciate their ongoing focus and follow through.

We also have new office support services provided by Nancy Enselman, owner of Business Resolutions. Nancy is very excited about working with us and is willing to tailor her services to our particular needs.

The fun stuff: The Whidbey Workshop was a great success despite being trapped in the Construction Zone, with the beginning sculptors getting an amazing amount done. By the time you read this, the Silver Falls sympo­sium will be over. I  hope it was enjoyable for everyone involved. Kudos to the organizers of both events, who keep the heartbeat of the Association going through their efforts.

Wishing you nothing but blue skies and stone dust.


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