President’s Message – March/April 1999

Two years ago, Barbara Lynch took on the task of editing Sculpture Northwest. The Board of Directors greatly appreciates her work on our behalf during this time . Not only is putting out the newsletter a time-consuming task in itself. it also meant Barbara had to spend extra time learning publishing techniques. Thank you very much, Barbara, for all of your time and effort in helping us carry the newsletter forward.


This issue is a transitional one, published by office administrator, Nancy Enselman. The newslener comrnittee is currently searching for a publisher outside the organization and we should have one in place by the May/June issue.


During the last 3 years we have had decreasing attendance  at the membership meetings (and good anendance at the symposia). Many of us, of course, live outside the greater Seattle area and attending is difficult or impossible. Still, the NWSSA needs to provide opportunities for as many of us as possible to get together informally to network and exchange information. We’ve decided to decrease the number of meetings this year and advertise them better so that people can plan on getting together for a fun time. We’ll get together with munchies to discuss tools, stones, ideas and whatever, keeping the business aspect of the meetings to a minimum. Some of the meetings will be replaced with workshops where we can do hands-on leaming. So, I hope to have a good time with you at the meeting on June 15, getting ready for Camp Brotherhood. I also hope we can start hearing more about activities in Oregon and Canada in these pages: we’d all like to know what’s happetting around our far-flung art world.


Don’t think of it as incessant rain, think of it as an excuse to go in the studio.


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We need some kind of descriptive text here.