President’s Message – March/Apr 2009

It has been a busy month; The Flower & Garden Show brought our sculptures together, made a few sales and raised much interest with the hands-on table. Veteran and new members shared their time.


I was in on a meeting for Gerda Lattey’s Basalt Workshop—This Sounds Great!


Also Camp Brotherhood looks great, an amazing price this year!


And I went to a NWSSA get together at Leon’s home. It was wonderful to see old friends and new, outside of the craziness of our symposia or shows. Bravo, Leon. I hope others will imitate.


I warned the board of this at our last meeting, but my ever-increasing debt means I will not be able to attend all of this year’s symposia. Since I feel that this organization deserves a leader that can fully participate in its administration – by the time you read this I will have officially resigned my position on the board. An interim slate of officers will have been selected. I will remain a proud member.


It is with excruciating deliberation and much anguish that I choose this path, as I deeply love this group and have enjoyed working with the board. I overestimated my capacities, I take full responsibility, I am sorry.


I hope to make the April 19th board meeting to answer any questions, and then next hope to see you all at our Camp B sculpture walk on Saturday, July 18th.


Tom Francis

Ex-Presidente, 206 634-1070

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