President’s Message – March/Apr 2000

Since there was no board meeting in February to inspire the president’s message, I thought that I would take this opportunity to share my recent experiences with technological communication.

In the process of trying to get a handle on our organization, I found that communication with our widespread membership is immensely enhanced by many modern marvels. I’m not quite as steeped in the stone age as I used to be, but I found that I wasn’t as technologically current as my fellow board members, and needed to update to stay in the loop. So, I set up an email address through the internet at my local library (for FREE), turned on my fax machine, and hooked up a new printer to my old computer. I still can’t send my “presidents message” by file, through my email to the newsletter committee, but I’m getting closer. Between my telephone, home computer, fax, answering machine, and new email, keeping the communication loop moving through our membership is easier than carting carved stone tablets around. Although my new email capability is a good informational tool, telephone and in-person conversations are still my preferred way of really “communicating”. The technological communication capabilities that are available can really help do the organizational work that needs to get done, but I’d still rather be carving.

Also, don’t forget that our NWSSA web site can help keep you informed about what’s happening between newsletters, and let you share information on your pet interest. Check it out.


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