President’s Message – March/Apr 1998

We can tell that the seasons are changing in the Pacific Northwest when we first hear one of the traditional sounds of spring–the sighs of relief from stone sculptors who work outdoors as they shed one of their yers of clothing and look forward to not having to op to warm their hands every few minutes. We can all look forward to the Whidbey Island Retreat this month and the Silver Falls Symposium in May – opportunities to get together, add more to our individtal stores of knowledge and experience, and share our energy.

Looking back, we had a successful exhibition at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in February. Our sculpture garden received two first-place awards and one second-place, and the educational booth drew a lot of attention, providing possible contacts for the artists showing and for the Association. Thanks to the show committee, the participating artists, and the many volunteers who made it happen.

I’m particularly grateful to all the members who did not have work in the exhibit but volunteered to help anyway. Our willingness to work together to further our shared aims is what makes us a vigorous organization.

One other note about this season: cash flow is always a problem early in the year, as the dues trickle in more slowly than the bills do. Please, please, renew your membership right away, if you haven’t already, so we can keep sending you information on opportunities toleam and to exhibit.

Happy carving,

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