President’s Message – July/Aug 2008

As I write this, Camp B is but a few days away. Oh, what stones to take, should I work on this or that, have I forgotten anything? You know, the usual palpations of going to Camp. I just know kids don’t have as much fun at camp as we do, being older we can appreciate the golden time of being with kindred spirits. By the time you read this you will have a new BOD and a new president. I resigned this June and will be assuming the duties as next year’s symposium director for Camp B.


Being on the board and being your president was a job I took seriously and it was mostly a rewarding experience. I hope I did a good job. I always acted in what I thought and felt was in the best interests of the membership. I urge those of you who have never served on the board to consider it when vacancies occur. The BOD sets the policies of NWSSA, works toward the sustainability of the organization and most importantly sees to the continued financial health of the organization. It is an important and rewarding role.


See you on the Field of Dreams,



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