President’s Message – July/Aug 1999

Somewhat to my surprise, my email response to Lee Gass’s request for ideas about art and travels was magically transformed into an article that appears elsewhere in the newsletter. (I’ve got to get Lee working on my sculptures. I’d definitely get many more done.)


There’s another journey I’ll be taking next week: all of 15 miles north to Camp Brotherhood, a journey that for the past four years has had a powerful influence on my ideas and emotions. This gathering of sculptors is an encyclopedia of technical and trade information available for us all to tap. I’m also emotionally energized by being surrounded by the physical energy generated by a large group all working at the same time. For me, though, one of the most important influences is getting to see the variety of work we produce. While we all seem to have a love of the stone that is hard to explain to those not similarly crazed, the variety of approaches we take continues to amaze me. I’m always struck by works in materials and styles that that are very different from my own because it helps me see wider horizons of thought and vision.


Camp Brotherhood will be over again for another year by the time you read this, but journeys to Silver Falls and Camp Thetis are still possible for this year. Once again, it looks like lack of time and money will keep me away, but there’s always hope for the next millennium. And the next sculpture will always be better: that’s the personal journey of discovery, with its attendant joy and fear that we artists make.


The NWSSA’s activities are intended to serve our members. If there is a way the organization can help you with your artistic journey, let the Board of Directors know. Better yet, offer to help make it happen.

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