President’s Message January 2024

The Winter Solstice has arrived, and we are beginning to celebrate the eventual return of longer daylight. Friendship and the lights of the holidays bring a lovely brightness that makes this time of year a bit easier.

Another source of light that many of us share is thinking about the days that it will be dry and warm-ish “enough” to get outside to carve. Those special nice winter days are a gift that those of us in the Northwest cherish.

Many of our newer, and some longer term, members might not have the luxury of having a studio in which to carve. I would like to encourage folks who have studio space to use the NWSSA email group list: to invite folks in your area to come for a carving date. Or, if you are a member who does not have a carving space, I invite you to put out a note on the email group that says where you live and that you would like to be invited to someone’s studio.

With the usual generosity of our community and the wish to be together, this act of kindness may kindle a light of mentorship. Let’s try to brighten each other’s next few months with new connections and extend our carving family just a bit more. I bet it will make the darker days a bit brighter and easier to get through.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to carving with you soon.


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