President’s Message – Jan/Feb 2007

A new year. As the Long Dark recedes, each passing day brings more light and the promise of warm long days in which we can more easily indulge in our passion of stone carving. In my environs the hum of a water polisher on stone must wait some unless I am interested in becoming an extra in the next Ice Age movie. But with the Winter Solstice behind us, I start to wonder when the first Chinook will come and release my stones from their white blanket. They’ll be all new again, reborn, awaiting, and full of silent energy. I wish you all the joy of a creative life!

Now for some issues. Email. When you change your email provider you must follow Bill Gallagher’s instruction which Rich has sent out numerous times. The office does not do this. This is DIY. It is important that we all keep in contact. So if there is an issue, send Rich an email and he’ll forward the instructions to you.

Update on the Public Arts Project started back in 2005 at Camp B. The sandstone columns proved to be an overwhelming financial burden on the small town of La Connor because of foundation engineering costs. The BOD released the town of La Connor from the contract and the columns back to Marenakos. Not and easy thing to do, but NWSSA’s good name was at stake. The good news is that the beautiful tug boat is done, as well as the ship’s wheel. They were both installed in La Connor Dec. 27th. The canoe will be installed later this spring. The BOD will have a synopsis on file if you have thoughts about a public arts project. ‘Twas a learning experience for all and in the end it is a testament to the hard work of our members, the heavy lifting by Marenakos and the flexibility to work together on a project (albeit changed) to a successful conclusion.

Your prez,


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