President’s Message – Jan/Feb 2000

I would like to wish you all a wonderful new millennium of stone sculpting and artistic fulfillment. On behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Kirk McLean for his last two years of service as President, and his continuation as board member for the coming year. I would also like to welcome our new board members: June Bloye, Leon White, and Ken Barnes, as well as Meredith Earls, who will be returning to fill the remaining year of Patty McPhee’s term.

As we start a new millennium I feel that we have a very strong NWSSA. Much of the infrastructure of our organization is in place thanks to the energy of many, many people over the past years. Our membership meetings, sculpture exhibits, workshops and symposia, all give us opportunities to gather and share our mutual passions. Our newsletter allows us to share ideas and information with a membership spread out over a vast region of the northwest and Canada. All of this from a bunch of stone sculptors who volunteer their time and energy. Not too shabby. Please give yourselves a hand!

If any of you have ideas, constructive input, overflowing energy, gobs of money, or anything else you would like to contribute to your organization, please contact one of your board members or committee chairpersons to let them know your interests.


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