President’s Message – Jan/Feb 1999

Welcome to a New Year of stone sculpture! 

We’ve kicked off the year with a great juried show in January at the Seattle office of the American Institute of Architects. I’m always excited by the variety of quality work that our members do. 

The Board of Directors had its orgamzmg session in January with the election of this year’s officers and the planning of this year’s budget. Jim Hallstrom, one of our newer members who was attending, volunteered to update the Sourcebook for reprinting this year. Apparently listening to three hours of discussing budget line items is more inspiring than I thought I The offer is greatly appreciated; the more of us who help out, the less work there is for each of us and the less chance that people who have given a lot will burn out. Board meetings are always open to the members. The dates will be listed in the newsletter and you can call the office for directions. 

The most exciting part of our coming year is, of course, the symposia. Due to scheduling changes, the Whidbey workshop moves to Memorial Day weekend and Silver Falls will be in August. Planning for all of the symposia are underway; the Camp Brotherhood committee already started work last year and I understand we’re getting a number of proposals by potential instructors. It should be a great year to get together and increase our knowledge while having fun. 

May inspirational ideas pour dovm like the winter rains! 


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