President’s Message – February 2025

President’s Message Feb, 2025

So, what’s new on the Board? Just a reminder: The Board or BOD (Board of Directors) is a group of volunteers that meets about 10 times a year to discuss and manage the “business” of NWSSA. Currently there are 7 members on the Board. Here are just 4 topics from recent BOD meetings: 

1. By now you should be aware that we are adding a new event this spring, The Best of the Northwest show. It will be our 1st time doing this event and we are hoping it accomplishes several things. We will expand our education opportunities by having our “carving booth” where the public can not only watch but also try their hand at stone carving. Also, we will have an area for youth to carve a figure out of soapstone. We also will have an area to show our work in an effort to make the public aware of our unique art. And, lastly, this provides an opportunity for our members to talk with people about NWSSA and our summer symposiums. 

To participate (and I hope you will want to) use the online sign-up form. 

2. After much BOD and membership deliberation, plus time with attorneys and accountants, NWSSA now has not 1 but 2 Endowment Funds. These Endowment Funds are designed to support NWSSA long into the future. In brief, an Endowment Fund is one where anyone can donate to Tamara Buchanan, President NWSSA and have the donation go into a special account at Fidelity Investments. It is different from donations made to the General Fund or at one of our famous auctions. I won’t go into details here, but don’t hesitate to contact myself or Michael Yeaman if you have questions. 

A big need we have will be to have a member who can be the contact person for these funds. A Charitable Donations Manager would understand the workings of these Funds, could help members understand the funds and how they would be used, and make sure the donation process goes smoothly. If you know of such a person, please contact me or Michael Yeaman. 

3. Our signature Symposia have inspired so many since the first one in 1987. The place has moved 3 times, and various directors have put their stamp on these special events. For several years the Washington symposium has been under the capable guidance of Cyra Jane Hobson. Each year there are changes: last year she added the First Aid Tent and doubled the size of the Power Tool learning area, plus a host of behind the scenes changes and additions. As the weather gets warmer and we start thinking about summer carving, also be planning on how you can help at camp. Volunteers and Work Study/Trade opportunities are available. 

4. I’m sure most of you either know or know of Arliss Newcomb. Currently she is the Editor of our Sculpture Norwest Journal. A longtime member of NWSSA she has heroically volunteered to almost every committee and project. She has been on the BOD, she was a committee member, then director of Symposia at Camp Brotherhood, she has participated in and volunteered to work at many shows and events. In other words, she has been a great and loyal member. She would like to shift gears and cease being the editor of our Journal beginning next fall. So, folks, we would like to find someone who can fill Arliss’ shoes! If you are interested, please contact me. We start taking applications in late February. This role can be done by one person, or as a joint effort with another. 

Well, I just received a brand-new chisel from Bybee Stone Tools…and I’m itching to try it out. Happy carving! Dusty Cheers,

Tamara Buchanan, Pres.


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