President’s Message March-April 2019

From the President…. 

President’s Message

I set my expectations high for the CROSS+OVER show and was not disappointed. Thirteen members created a diverse set of forms from the crosses and filled the gallery with seventeen pieces that held folks’ attention. During setup, almost all sculptors had stories about working with the deteriorated cross material to get to their final form. Carol Duree-Jones told a story about showing an elderly gentleman her final work and a picture of the original cross, and the first thing he asked was where the cross was stolen from.

Again, many thanks to Kim Lewis and Michael Creger. Without them the show would not have happened. Also, special shout-out to Portland Community College’s Mark Smith and the North View Gallery crew. They provided pedestals, lit the show, and made setup easy.

One more reminder: The Old Alcohol Plant in Port Hadlock is looking for NWSSA members’ sculpture to display and sell in their lobby area. Check out the web page: and give Cheri Perry a call.

The winter potluck at Marenakos was a delightful gathering of old and new members. Lots of yummy ribs, salads, Pat Barton’s chanterelle pâté, desserts and Scott Hackney’s hospitality. Many Thanks to Marenakos for generously providing their facility for our gathering. Toward the end of the gathering the board convened for a quick meeting and formed a nominating committee for this year’s elections. Patty McPhee will be the chair and Renee will put the ballot/email out for members. Drop Patty a note ( if you, or someone you know, would like to run for the board.

This year there will be seven positions on the board that need filled: Rick Johnson, Steve Sandry, Ben Mefford, Steve Galea, Patty McPhee, Pat Barton, and myself. Pat and I will be reaching the end of our four-term limit of serving on the board and will need to take a year off until we can run again. 

So far Rick Johnson, Ben Mefford and Patty McPhee have stated they wish to run. Steve Sandry and Steve Galea would like to see their positions filled with a new face, someone who has not served on the board before. In addition, Ellie Hochman and Kirsten Rayhawk have affirmed they would like to be on the ballot, so that makes five people for seven positions.  

You make this community function, so please consider sharing your skills and wisdom by serving on the board for a two year term. 

Carve Proud, Learn Much, and Share with Many.…



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