President’s Message July-August 2019

From the President…. 

President’s Message

NWSSA and Pacific Northwest Sculptors will be sponsoring “Making Space”, a joint sculpture show exhibit during the International Sculpture Center’s Portland conference this coming October 12-15.  Look for the call and consider submitting a piece for the show and attending the conference to see what’s going on in their world of sculpture. Check out

I have served on the board for eight years and as president for six years.  It is time for me to take a break and carve more.  I’m not going away, and I plan on continuing involvement with the web site, workshops, and other needs of the association. I’m a bit disappointed that I will not get to work with all of the new board members who are running (and will likely be elected by the time you read this.) They will be a strong addition to the board.

Words matter, and as a member of the NWSSA community, there are words that have grown for me in meaning, importance, and value over the years and have contributed greatly to my understanding, appreciation, and creation of sculpture.  When you say, “Think of sculpture,” you will consider its material and place, then likely its characteristics such as surface, edge, texture, color. Maybe you will move on to its physicality, such as mass or center of gravity, or beyond that to volume and space or something less solid like movement or light. All these words exist in our context of past experience and memory. The sharing and openness of the NWSSA community helps give substance to these words. Thank you for being a part of this sculpture community. 

Carve Proud, Learn Much, and Share with Many…
… Carl


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