Pat Barton


“Nooksack Dream”

granite planter

Forms in nature and the interior beauty of the hard stones inspire me. I mainly focus on abstract forms in hard stone.  I combine natural river rounded forms and carving areas that complement and put a sense of motion into the existing form.  I carve to create contrasts of rough organic surfaces to highly polished surfaces that show the interior beauty of the stone.  Most people like to see what is inside a rough old stone. By carving and polishing the surfaces, I expose the nature of the stone and the minerals that have combined to form that stone, this provides a window to see into the interior of that stone. I especially like dunite with its golden rind and light green interior provides a striking contrast.

My ideas come from conscious, and some subconscious, mental images from my experiences. For the most part, I direct carve by drawing on the stone otherwise I sketch out designs in a journal and use them later. Sometimes, while polishing, to refine designs I write notes on the outer wall of my carving cubicle. During the sanding and polishing process on a hard stone I have ample time to refine ideas and if the stone is jade I have extra time. flora44The people and their compliments, when viewing my sculpture, planters, and vases also inspire me. 
pat barton fishplanter

Contact Pat Barton
WEB: Pat Barton’s Stone Work