Northwest Flower and Garden Show – Nov/Dec 2007

NWSSA has been invited once again to participate in this prestigious show. It’s a great place to contact thousands of Show visitors. Our booth has been a proven way to recruit new members and offer opportunities for sales. While direct sales are not allowed for non-profit educational organizations, booth visitors interested in a displayed sculpture will be given the artist’s contact information.


We hope that you will be interested in showing your work, setting up/taking down the booth, or in manning the booth.


All educational booths for this year must be 10’ X 10,’ half the size of our booth last year. This is still ample space to demonstrate our interests and abilities. We’ll have room for 5 to 7 sculptures, one of which can be large, but still hand-moveable since no forklifts are allowed. Smaller works will be displayed on tabletops and pedestals. This places a higher priority than ever on having a booth manned by highly motivated Association members.


We encourage various styles of work including figurative, abstract, animal/nature and functional. It would be best if we also have several types of stone. We encourage NWSSA members at all levels, ranging from professional sculptors to beginning carvers, to show your work. Please send a picture with title, type of stone and your mailing and e mail addresses. Sculptures will be selected in January.


We will set up the booth on February 19 at 9am and take it down after 6pm on February 24. The booth will be staffed from 9am to 9pm, Wednesday through Saturday, February 20-23, and 9am to 6pm on Sunday, February 24. Shifts will be 4 to 5 hours long. We want there to be a variety of members for people to meet, as well as to distribute the work load. This is a great time to chat to people about the Association and what sculpture means to you. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Please come represent NWSSA at this year’s booth. Contact Pete Pere by December 31:, or 3040 137 Avenue, NE, Bellevue, WA 98005.


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