Mussel Beach Ribbon Cutting 2014

You are invited to celebrate Gig Harbor’s Eddon Boat Park with ‘Mussel Beach’ sculpture on

Friday the 28th of February, 2014, at 3pm.

There will be a ribbon cutting for the entire park, which is a Washington State Historic Heritage site and an extensive environmental clean-up and restoration project with help the Department of Ecology. The entire project took 10 years to complete.

"Musse lBeach" installation by Verena Schwippert

‘Mussel Beach’ sculpture by yours truly, Verena Schwippert, was funded by Percent for the Arts from WA State Arts Commission.

My heartfelt thanks go to Pat Barton, Carl Nelson, Bob Leverich, Travis Brown, Reg Akright, Norbert Jaeger, Tracy Powell, Martin Beach, Michael Gardner, Ken Barnes, Tom Monaghan and Mike Sweeney, without who’s support and work this sculpture would not exist.

I would love to see all our members and all our stoners and all our friends at the ribbon cutting.

Yours truly
Verena Schwippert

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