Minutes of NWSSA General Membership Meeting 7-13-2022


July 13 th , 2022 General Membership meeting minutes
President and Vice President were absent
Secretary facilitated this meeting in leu of President/VP
Secretary Ellie Hochman called the meeting to order at 7:00 on July 13, 2022.
Due to Covid, there was no General Meeting in July 2021. None of the officers attended the Symposium.
No formal attendance was taken, meeting was well attended
Elections were held
New Board members were not announced at the meeting.
These were the new members of record and they were told personally and were all at attendance at the
Markos Weiss as alternate, Pat Barton, Cyra Jane Hobson, Deborah Wilson.

Financial report- Trevor Contrares gave the financial report: See attachment

New Business:
Endowment- Presented by Stephen Taplin
Discussion ensued.
Advisory vote taken, membership voted to have the board explore this option and bring it to next
Annual meeting.

Flower and Garden Show:
Question was raised if there should be a 2023 Flower and Garden show.
Lengthy discussion ensued.
Aerin Sizelove volunteered to be the events organizer
Advisory vote was taken to proceed with the flower and garden show.
Agreed to have BOD vote on this at next meeting.

No Announcements were made
Meeting ended at 8:30 pm


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