Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 2-1-2009

Board of Directors meeting, minutes – February 1, 2009

The meeting was held at Tom Francis’ home in Seattle.

Attending: Rich Andler (Treasurer), Petra Brambrink, Tom Francis (President) and Verena Schwippert (Secretary). With 4 people attending there was no quorum for voting.


Question arose if the Bylaws should be discussed and finalized in an amended regular meeting of the Board or a special meeting of the Board or with the entire membership, for instance at the annual membership meeting on February 28th, at Tom Francis’ home.

Agenda for this membership meeting will include nomination and election of new officers.

Should our mission statement be written in the Bylaws?


Petra and Rich expressed their serious concern about the NWSSA finances. We should cut costs where we can, especially in book keeping and our ‘holy cow’, the journal.

Here the treasurer Rich mentioned that $5000 was paid to Camp Brotherhood and that Symposium Director Elaine MacKay signed a contract for our Symposium in 2009 with the administrators.


It was suggested that we should have an assigned position to eliminate the non-payers of membership dues, after a to be determined grace period. Suggestion was for 3 month. This duty could also be performed by the bookkeeper.

Newsletter a.k.a. Journal.

Petra showed a sample issue of the Pacific Northwest Sculptors Newsletter “Dimensions”. It consists of 8 pages, of which the front and back covers are in color. It has the same 8 x 11 format as our newsletter. It looks good, is printed on lighter paper, the information in it arranged in a denser format.

Verena volunteered to contact someone from their group to find out where this is printed at what cost and then present the information to our Lane Tompkins (Editor of Journal).

[A current note: At this point V. was able to get in touch with J. Ayala of ‘Dimensions’. He said he will send some sample Newsletters and gave the name of the printing company in Portland. He also wrote that their President George Heath of Pacific Northwest Sculptors thinks it would be great if both of our organizations would exchange info in and about our newsletters. They would send us a bimonthly hardcopy of their Newsletter and would receive one of ours as well.

Their address is:

Pacific Northwest Sculptors
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd # 302
Portland, Or 97206

Returning to minutes:

Next meetings.

Yearly General Membership meeting at Tom Francis’ home on February 28th, 2009, 1 pm to 3 pm.

Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, April 19th, 2009 , at Tom Francis’ home.

Respectfully submitted by
Verena Schwippert,


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