Date 9/21/21
Time: 7PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Board Members Present:
Stephen Taplin, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang, Trever Contreras, Eirene Bloomberg , Tamara Buchanan
Absent: Rick Johnson
Staff Present: none
Hap Wertheimer (Everett Arboretum Member), Carl Nelson
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the NWSSA was duly called on 9/21/21 @ 7:00 PM. President Denny Tsang called the meeting to order.
–Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting.
Minutes of the July meeting were unanimously passed after review.
-Treasurers Report-
Discussion of current budget presented by Trevor Contreras
MOTION: Denny Tsang proposed the following-
Trevor Contreras and Tamara Buchanan will be the banking representatives and have signing privileges for NWSSA. Trevor Contras seconded the motion.
Motion passed with unanimous approval by voting members present.
–Meeting Agenda Items:
1) Debrief Everett Arboretum Sculpture Walk
Hap Wetheimer (Everett Arboretum Representative) and Carl Nelson (NWSSA) agreed that the event was a success.
MOTION: Carl Nelson proposed and Stephen Taplin seconded the following motion: Carl Nelson will chair the committee for the Everett Arboretum Art walk event in 2022. The length of time will be extended to two days. Pat Barton and Leon White will be recruited by Carl to work with him.
Motion Passed by a unanimous vote of members present.
2) Web Forum: Discussion of whether or not to continue to pay for the forum was tabled till the next BOD meeting due to the forum site being “down” at this time.
3) Discussion of Committees:
Reviewed listed Committees and identified which NWSSA members to approach to chair specific committees. Each Board of Directors member present chose a specific individual/s to recruit as possible committee chairs.
Current identified committee chairs:
Trevor Contreras: Finance Committee chair
Denny Tsang: Executive Committee chair
Ellie Hochman: Women’s Hand Carving retreat chair
Tamara Buchanan: Archive Committee
Follow up from last meeting
Committee reports:
Women’s Hand Carving Retreat:
Ellie Hochman reported research done on venues for event. Requested up to $1000 advance if needed to secure a venue.
Ellie Hochman proposed the following and Stephen Taplin seconded the motion:
“In order to secure a venue, up to $1,000 may be needed in order for deposit to hold weekend of June 3,4,5. Since is time sensitive, the Executive Board can approve this amount.
Proposal Passed by a unanimous vote of members present.
Suttle Lake Event will begin August 7th, 2022
Cyra Jane Hobson agreed to continue her directorship of the Pilgrim Firs Symposium-2022
Kentaro Kojima has agreed to take on the role of directorship of the Suttle Lake symposium- 2022
President’s Report : none
Membership: none
Next BOD meeting : 10/19/21 @ 6:30 PM via Zoom
Executive session held __yes X_no
Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm 9/21/21 by Denny Tsang
Meeting minutes recorded and submitted by Ellie Hochman 10/11/21 Approved by Board on 10/19/21