Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 9-11-2024

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 09/11/2024
Time: 6:34 P.M. PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom


Board Members: Tamara Buchanan, Marcos Weiss, Karen Walsh Roe, Michael Yeaman, Ellie Hochman, Oliver Harwood, Aerin Sizelove
Board Members Present: All
Quorum: Yes
Staff Present: Renee Roberts
Guests: Cyra Jane Hobson, Rachell Jarvis


A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called to order on 9/11/2024, at 6:34 P.M. PST. Tamara Buchanan (President) called the meeting to order.

Approve Consent agenda
Minutes Approval

A motion was made to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


IMinutes Approval:

7/10/2024 BOD Meeting Minutes 

Motion: A motion was made to approve the minutes (Markos). The motion was seconded (Ellie). The motion was approved unanimously.

Special Approval:

Motion: A motion was made to allow cell phone recording of BOD meetings by Secretary Karen as backup to note taking (Ellie).Visitors will be notified and must agree to the audio recording. Recording to be deleted upon completion and submission of meeting minutes.The motion was seconded (Aerin). 

The motion was approved unanimously.

Motion: On August 11th, via email discussion involving all board members, a motion

was made to approve funding in the amount of $1200.00 for 1 person to attend the Vancouver Stone Carving Symposium (Oliver). The motion was seconded (Ellie). 

The motion was approved unanimously.


Website: Aerin has agreed to be the website tech person and liaison between Zoe and the Board. A meeting is scheduled for October 20th for the website team to discuss transition. 

Oregon Symposium: Rachell reported a very successful symposium, attendance of 54 attendees, profit to NWSSA was $4,400. The auction raised $11,000. Dates were confirmed for OR Symposium at Suttle Lake in August 2025. Discussions for possible change of venue site starting in 2026 are ongoing.

Washington Symposium: Cyra reported challenging operational issues due to unexpected staff shortages, 100 degree weather and low participation of work study participants. There were 100 attendees. Profit to NWSSA surplus general fund was $6,000. The scholarship fund received $18,000.

Kubota Garden: The date of the 1-day show is September 28th. Markos reported there are 14 artists and 28 sculptures signed up so far. Participation is down 50% from last year. Markos requested the Board consider providing funds for advertising postcards to be sent to potential buyers to entice sculpture sales.

Motion: A motion was made to approve $250.00 for Kubota Garden advertising postcards (Markos). Motion was seconded (Aerin). 

Motion was approved with 6 approvals, 1 dissent (Tamara).

Old Business

Finance Committee

Motion: Fidelity form approval: Michael requested approval of the Fidelity Donation Fund Resolution form that was reviewed by all board members. 

Motion was approved unanimously.

Auditor: Michael reported progress on finding a possible auditor will be discussed at a later date.

Bylaw Changes:  Ellie reported nothing new at this time.

Membership Dues – Michael reports current dues basically cover the cost of the journal. Raising the dues will not have a significant impact on overall operational cost.

Funding for NWSSA: Discussion on financially supporting NWSSA and how to fund non-event activities will be put on the agenda for October or November.

Endowment Workgroup: Now that Fidelity form has been approved Michael will follow up with Fidelity. Going forward, NWSSA will need someone to be the Donation Lead and act as the point person for donation management. In the interim Michael will answer questions. 

New Business:

Cyra’s Job: Cyra has stated her position as WA Symposium Director has become overwhelming and she is experiencing burnout. The positive growth of NWSSA  resulted in increased attendance at this year’s symposium which increased operational workload. Other issues included unexpected staff shortages as well as shortages of work study volunteers, last minute participant cancellations, and refund requests. Possible solutions discussed included limiting the number of participants, increasing the fee for camp by $50.00 and hiring more staff to support Cyra. Discussions will continue at the November retreat with focus on NWSSA’s growth and fully supporting Cyra in her position.

Action Items:

Norms: Approve norms for all board meetings: Members will review documents of norms and create lists of norms which will be discussed during the October meeting and put on the November agenda for approval.

Create Policy: Refund policy, cancellation fee, or formula for symposia events.

New Accountant – The search for a new accountant continues. Board members are asked to contact Michael if they have any recommendations for qualified candidates.

Website Liaison – Define the role, responsibilities and procedures of website liaison 

Endowment: Establish definition for Donation Point Person and canvas/elect position.

November Retreat: A Sign Up Sheet for meals has been set up in Google Docs. Everyone should note their sensitivities and/or allergies in the notes section of the form.

Next Board Meeting has been rescheduled to October 16, 2024, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 P.M.                                                                             
Minutes respecfully submitted by Secretary, Karen Walsh Roe


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