Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 1-9-2016

Minutes of NWSSA Board meeting on January 9th, 2016
at Ken Barnes home, Seattle, WA

Present were:
Carl Nelson – President
Michael Yeaman – Treasurer
Verena Schwippert – Secretary
Ken Barnes
Ben Mefford 
Pat Barton
Rick Johnson

Also in attendance:
Renee Roberts – taking minutes

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm.

Previous BoD meeting minutes available on NWSSA website were approved by all.

Camp B & Suttle Lake Symposium Financials
Northwest Flower and Garden Show (NWFGS)
Other show/exhibit opportunities
Other Business

Camp Brotherhood Symposium 2015:
·         Rick Johnson stated that the Washington State Arts Commission would like to hold their annual meeting at Camp B in the future. Meetings are scheduled a year in advance. 2017
·         Ken presented financials; Compared to previous year  Income up $3,000; Expenses also up $49,000 vs. $46,000 Net loss of $1,700 vs. $1,500 from previous year. $11,000 auction income highlights a successful event.
·         CyraJane 2016 Symposium Director & Ben have been working on negotiating with TLC (Proposed 12% increase, still negotiating with facility)
·         Instructors: Deborah Wilson to return, Senden Blackwood from Australia
·         2016 Camp B: Mount Vernon Symposium July 9th – 17th, 2016
·          Historically auction funds are to pay for education defined as work study scholarships and instruction
·          Proposed action: should Instructors room, board & stipend be paid from educational fund? Motion seconded and unanimously passed.

Suttle Lake Symposium 2015:
·         Revenue was less $22K compared to $24,000 previously, however, expenses were $3,000 less as well.
·         However, we had more people, carving  a longer time.
·         Auction raised $6,000
·         Next year we will have entire facility (Larger lodge, cabins, dining hall and same carving field)
·         We will stick to similar format and budget. Budgets for both symposium based on previous year.
·         Doug Wiltshire is working closely with Rich Hestekind & Lee Imonen as part of his team to coordinate. Symposium Directors select instructors and work within budget.
·         2016 Suttle Lake: Oregon Symposium August 21st – 28th, 2016

Upcoming Events:

Flower & Garden Show in Seattle February 17-21, 2016
·         Kerin Monica has volunteered to coordinate the show with the assistance of Pat Barton.
·         CyraJane to have Camp B Symposium information brochures and art walk postcards available.
·         We have Membership Brochures, beginning carving hand outs and geology cards.
·         Call for art scheduled to be promoted shortly

Volunteer Park Show: Discussion regarding pop up show in Volunteer Park next to the Asian Art Museum in Seattle this past summer organized by CyraJane.  Park permit needs to be obtained. Proposed Participation to coordinate this event again: Motioned and passed.

Lakewold Gardens near Gravelly Lake south of Tacoma: 2 show opportunities
    Outdoor Show: We had positive reception from folks at Tacoma Art Museum.
·   Jim Ballard donated a piece last year.
·   Mark would like to have outdoor exhibit from April – September
·   Rich Hestekind will coordinate with Lakewold Gardens
·   Ken Barnes assisted with installations (reimburse gas monies)

    Indoor Show:  Last year we had staff on hand every day. Agree that it should be managed differently this year.
·   Mother’s Day Weekend only. 1-2 days
·   Smaller pieces, lower price point, garden oriented
·   Indoor space may not be available this year.

Krukeberg Gardens in North Seattle.
·         Mother’s Day weekend (conflict with Lakewold)
·         Glass, metal & stone sculptures by invitation only. We would like to open this opportunity up as a formal call to NWSSA members
·         Previous Director has left for new position, but new Executive Director would like to continue the show.
·         Need to find a member willing to chair this opportunity.

Kenmore Arts Association: NWSSA has donated $100 for sculpture prize for several years. Proposal to continue this award? Montioned, seconded and unanimously passed.

New Business/Other Items:

Preston Mills in Preston, WA near Marenakos. County owned property with short term goal to clean and improve trails and possibly temporary-permanent art installations.  Ben Mefford is looking to apply for grants via Access, 4Culture and NEA to build an Arts Center with matching grants, donations, volunteer work, and show commitments by NWSSA.

Grants: Ben Mefford will be writing grants to obtain 2 containers to store NWSSA equipment and a digital projector for presentations.

With no further items to address, The BoD meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm to attend & greet guests for NWSSA’s Winter Party!


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