Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-18-2012

NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 18, 2012
held at 25th Stone Sculpting Symposium at Camp Brotherhood.

Meeting was called to order at 8:40 pm.

Members of the Board present: Gerda Lattey, President; Carl Nelson, Vice President; Pat Barton; Ken Barnes, Treasurer; Verena Schwippert, Secretary;

Newly elected Board members: Michael Yeaman and Jon Schmidt.

Guests: Vic Picou, Barbara Davidson

Election of Officers:

Gerda Lattey was nominated for president (has been for 3 years) and accepted the position.

Ken Barnes remains treasurer, Carl Nelson accepted position as vice-president and Verena Schwippert remains secretary.

M. Yeaman motioned for above distribution of positions, Jon Schmidt seconded the move.

Camp Director for Symposium 2013:

Dates for this event July 13th to 21st 2013

Barbara Davidson (CB director of the last two years) has accepted the position for CB 2013, sharing the directorship as co-directors with Jon Schmidt, who will focus on Education and Outreach.

Pat Barton (field director this year) will again be Field Director for CB in 2013.

Renee Roberts remains the office person and will attend to office matters at camp.

Barbara Davidson stated that the first item on their agenda is to form a symposium committee.

Grant from 4Culture

Leon White has applied for and received a $ 2,000 grant from 4Culture, Seattle, for NWSSA. Thank you, Leon. Pat Barton has a list of items to buy and will confer with Leon for guidelines as to which items are allowed to be purchased under grant rules.

Treasurer’s report

New accountant for NWSSA is Ellie Gittelman, who is at this time working through the 2011 books. The accounts are not up to date since December that year.

Carl Nelson asked if it were possible to have the books straightened before Silver Falls Symposium (3rd week in August ’12). Ken Barnes answered: Yes, will do.

Smoke Farm

Gerda Lattey and Ken Barnes visited Smoke Farm in Arlington for a possible location for a stone carver’s symposium. This was discussed at length – also as a negotiating point with Camp Brotherhood management.

Ken Barnes stated that an event similar to CB would be possible with campers, as Smoke Farm has very little infrastructure, and also would be decidedly less costly than Camp Brotherhood. The discussion will continue, as there are questions as to the permits and licenses in place at Smoke Farm.

Investigation into their status will continue. The owners are the Rubicon Foundation of Seattle. They have an Internet presence.


Lane Tompkins and Penelope Crittenden are exploring a new and different format for the NWSSA Journal. They would like to create a smaller more frequent edition, perhaps once a month. We are awaiting their proposal.

General Items

Evening carving hours at CB were discussed. Pat Barton had 14 people who wanted to take advantage of them, but weren’t able to.

It was suggested that possible participation could be asked about at dinner time, and then a decision could be made.

It was stated that Deborah Wilson is willing to teach again at next years\CB symposium.

A better projector for the General membership meeting and an Internet connection for the entire camp event were suggested by Carl Nelson.

Clare Petrich, owner of Petrich Marine Dock on the East side of Thea Foss Waterways in Tacoma offers a possible stone carving symposium on their property. There are large blocks of marble present on their terrain and could be carved in loco. Tacoma Art Museum might be interested in sponsoring the event. This was discussed and will be pursued further.

Renee Roberts has donated last years office work to NWSSA. Thanks Renee. Ken Barnes requested her billing for this year, received a bill and paid her, but considers her not adequately compensated. We decided to give her a raise to about $ 350 per month.

This meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm.


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