Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-17-2013

NWSSA Board meeting July 17, 2012, at Stone Sculptors Symposium, Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, WA

Members of the Board present were:

Carl Nelson, Pat Barton, Ben Mefford – new member of the Board;
Michael Yeaman, Jon Schmidt, Ken Barnes, Verena Schwippert.
– Guest: Renee’ Roberts, association secretary.
Gerda Lattey was absent.

1. Election of members of the Board:

Gerda Lattey stepped down as president, remains a member of the Board.

Carl Nelson is voted in as the new president.

Michael Yeaman voted in as the vice president.

Ken Barnes remains treasurer.

Verena Schwippert continues as secretary.

2. Office Report: Renee Roberts, paid part-time secretary of NWSSA,

a) Wishes for new computer/projector for all picture presentations etc of artists.

b) Also, better office equipment is necessary.

c) Could give to artists’ info for same format to be used for each and all presentations.

d) The membership roster should be updated and functioning.

e) The subscription roster could be made easier for Renee to deal with.

f) In the coming year, 2014, the final lay-out and copy for the Camp B and SF Symposia brochure has to be ready in the first week of January – to coincide with the Flower & Garden Show.

Photos have been the biggest problem for CB and Silver Falls.

Timely note to the directors of symposia is necessary.

– – Any ideas to promote these events should be given to Renee.

3. Treasurer Report: Ken Barnes added to the financial overview presentation made to the general membership. We are maintaining reserves equal to two-thirds of our annual revenue, which is a prudent level of reserves for our organization.

4. Symposium director CB 14 candidates: Ben Mefford, Bob Leverich, Ann Lancaster, Carmen Chicon. [In the meantime, a few days after this meeting, Ben Mefford was confirmed as CB symposium director for 2014. – – remark by Verena, secretary]

5. 4Culture Grant Awards: 2012 4Culture Grant award of $2,000 submitted by Leon White was well spent on tools, especially beginner’s tools.

The 2013 4Culture Grant award of $1,500 submitted by Ben Mefford to be allotted to office gear, field gear and a new computer for the NWSSA office.

Motion was made by Michael Yeaman, seconded by Pat Barton and approved by all.

6. Spring Hand Carving Workshop: Karla Matzke needs tools, tents and teachers for her hand carving event of stone in the spring and would like the support of NWSSA.

Additional insured for NWSSA will be need for that event, and perhaps a contract.

The motion for a one year trial period of NWSSA supporting Karla Matzke’s stone carving event was made by Jon Schmidt, seconded by Michael Yeaman and approved by all.

7. Silver FallsSymposium: budget is not ready at the time of this board meeting. Duration of SF symposium is 5 days; one guest teacher is K. Uchida.

8. One-Day Workshops: The idea of mini workshops in member’s studios was brought up. One day get-togethers on a variety of aspects of stone carving we brought up. Carl will get the word out on ‘ who wants to sponsor a mini workshop?’ Including, for instance, a workshop about pedestal making, could be interesting.

9. Annual Membership Dues: Discussion about membership fees ensued. Should the fee be lowered or dropped altogether? There will be a probe into the membership about an amount (or none) that seems attractive.

Michael Yeaman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10 pm. This was seconded by Carl Nelson, and approved by all.


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