Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-10-2024

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 07/10/2024
Time: 2:53 P.M. PST
Location: In Person, Camp Pilgrim Firs, Port Orchard, WA


BOD Members Present: Ellie Hochman, Tamara Buchanan, Markos Weiss, Aerin Sizelove, Karen, Oliver, Michael
Guests: Carl, Jeremy, Cyra


A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called to order on 7/10/2024, at 2:53P.M. PST. TEllie Hochman (President) called the meeting to order.

President : Tamara Buchanan was nominated, 2nd, passed Unanimous 
VP: Markos Weiss nominated,  2nd, passed Unanimous
Treasurer :Michael Yeaman nominated, 2nd, passed Unanimous
Secretary: Karen Walsh Roe, nominated, 2nd, passed Unanimous 

Consent Agenda
Minutes:  Motion to Pass, passed 6,  1 abstention

Website report – Ellie

Emergency Protocol update – Karen

Arboretum Update – Constance
Aerin to do call sheet

Kubota Gardens – Markos
We need to spend $4k in King county per calendar year for 4culture

Pilgrim Firs – Cyra
Cyra wants a BOD recommendation on the idea of limiting capacity 

Treasurer’s Report – Michael Yeaman 

New Business

address bylaws revisions

Meetings continue on 2nd Wednesday @ 6:30 pm

Skip August meeting and December

November 1-3 for BOD Retreat

Motion made to build tool kit for Karla Matzke : 2nd, passed unanimously

Time expectations – Michael Yeaman


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