Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 6-21-22

Date: 6/21/2022
Time: 6:30 pm PST Location: Virtual via Zoom
.Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All view Zoom
Board Members Present: Stephen Taplin, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang, Tamara Buchanan
Absent: Rick Johnson, Trever Contreras, Eirene Blomberg
Guests: Leah Davidson, Jeremy?, Debra

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 6/21/2022 at 6:30 pm.
Denny T. president called the meeting to order.
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting. Tamara B made the motion
Stephen T seconded the motion.
Minutes unanimously passed.
-Agenda items:
Tamara B:
Discussion of items for upcoming board roles and structure of next year’s board. Rx reading “Dare
to Lead” by B. Brown.
Committee Reports: Treasurer is not present
JulieAnne K gave donors reports.

Website Report:
Leah Davidson:
Presented what issues are being worked on for design of the website Will be presenting this at the
Website usability document viewed.

Ellie made report for Sue K
Noted her concerns about printing
Clarified that Membeship comm has $1,000 budget

Endowment Committee:
Grant application for fundraising report- Steve Endowment fund:
Reasons presented
We need to have a basic budget and develop a reserve- We have that Is that adequate? $30K in bank
Does this cover symposia and magazine
Endowment can provide a permanent investment that generates money and establish security for the
long term. Sets aside money and provides predictable foundation
Question: do we want to do that?
People can give money there and keep it simple. Can use it restricted funds and non-restricted
funds Discussion about the funds
Separate the endowment and the reserves. Reserves is what we have in our savings account now.

Next steps
Talk to Trevor about last 5 years of spending.
Agreed that this is a worthwhile project to move on to next steps. Document is in the agenda

Journal Committee:
Ellie reported the change in staffing of the journal and the committee members. Currently it is
Nannette and Arliss are the committee.
Barbara and Maya have resigned from the Journal Committee

Suttle lake update:
Stephanie R will not be beginners tent teacher Denny reports that they found another teacher.
Registration will open Mid July, 4.5 weeks before the beginning of Suttle lake.

New Business Discussion: Tamara:

Date of next board meeting PF
Legally have to have general membership meeting Website:
Acknowledge Carl and the work put into website
Leah will ask Carl to do a video about how to get into the back end of the website so that it can
be updated by board members.
This will give more time for the web designers to work on choosing a new platform.
New Board Development:
Retreat idea was agreed and Denny will put together. Meeting continued to 8:16
And was closed at 8:20
Next meeting is: July 15th after the General Membership meeting at Pilgrim Firs Executive session
held : no
Meeting Adjourned by President Denny Tsang at 8:20 PM Meeting Minutes recorded by Ellie Hochman
Submitted to Board via Email on 6-29-22


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