Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 5-4-2013

NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, May 4th, 2013

[held at Carl Nelson’s home in Lake Stevens]

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm
Present in person:
Carl Nelson, Vice President
Verena Schwippert, Secretary
Pat Barton
Jon Schmidt
Michael Yeaman

via Skype or telephone:
Gerda Lattey, President
Ken Barnes, Treasurer

1) Camp Brotherhood Symposium Budget:
Ken Barnes sent a CB 13 budget via internet.
[…if anyone has this electronically available, please add it here…]

This budget was read and discussed.
 Full time attendance was up last year, 2012.
 Camp B admin. costs have been raised
 charge for attending was raise bit, not as much as the raise of costs.
 a portion of instructor’s fee could be covered by auction income
 as could support for the work study participants

CB 2012 showed a big financial success of the sculpture walk, this should be duplicated in 2013.
Renee (NWSSA office person) works on the PR for the sculpture walk and contacts media like Skagit River Newspaper and TV, Channel 5, Evening Magazine.
Ken states that according to Renee 34% of income to Sculpture Walk came from family and friends of participants, 18% from folks who had watched Evening Magazine TV.

* Vote for approval of CB budget:
Motion made by Verena, seconded by Michael Yeaman.
All approved and motion was accepted.

2) Board of directors election

will be on Thursday evening at Camp Brotherhood.

Gerda and Ken are up for reelection.
(Notes were sent by Renee)
New seat on the board should be approved and new members elected.
On the ballot is Ben Medford from Oregon.
The plan is to approve one additional Board seat.

Ken reports that travel expenses for board members in 2012 came to a total of $ 800.
– Ken Barnes is willing to remain treasurer of NWSSA.

3) Camp B symposium Directorship:
At this time it is not obvious who will run CB symposium as director in 2014.
Possibly Barbara Davidson together with another person as a team. Jon Schmidt might co-direct with her.

Discussion of a one year advertisement of NWSSA CB symposium in SCULPTURE magazine followed. The price for a 1/8 page is $ 385.
* Vote: Motion moved by Carl Nelson, seconded my Michael Yeaman,
accepted by all present.

4) Grant money.
A grant of $ 2000 was attained from ‘4 Culture’ by Leon White for tools.
Pat Barton acquired a number of hand and power tools for NWSSA tool chest with this money.

5) Hand tool carving workshop
The hand carving workshop at Karla Matzke’s Gallery and Sculpture Park on Camano Island was brought up.
NWSSA member Tracy Powell is the teacher at this event. It was generally agreed upon that Karla and Tracy should attend the next board meeting to figure out the feasibility of connecting this workshop


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