Date: 5/10/2023
Time: 6:30 P.M. PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Board members:
Ellie Hochman, Jeremy Kester, Stephen Taplin, Cyra Jane Hobson, Rick Johnson, Tamara Buchanan, Pat Barton, Markos Weiss, Denny Tsang, Julieanne Kohn, Deborah Wilson (7:08PM)
Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All
Absent: Stephen Taplin
Quorum: Yes
Staff Present: Renee Roberts
Guests: Carl Nelson, Leah Davidson, Kentaro Kojima
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 5/10/2023, at 6:35 p.m. PST. Ellie Hochman (President) called the meeting to order.
Minutes Approval
4/12/2023 NWSSA BOD Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve the previous month’s meeting minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s report: (Cyra Jane)
Pat: Report on Banker Workshop.
Pilgrim Firs Update: Cyra Jane
Suttle Lake Update: Kentaro Kojima (See Below)
Kubota Gardens report: Marcos Weiss (see below)
Finance committee: (Ellie) In process of developing this work group
Web development: (Carl Nelson)
Old Business
Suttle Lake discussion: (Kentaro Kojima)
Endowment: (Tamara)
Northwest Stone Sculptors Association – Endowment Guidelines
Motion made:
Shall the endowment committee proceed with pursuing the endowment fund as outlined in the draft above.
Motion was seconded. Motion passed with 8 yes and 2 abstentions.
Follow up on Artsfund Board Training: (Tamara)
Action Items: follow up from last meeting
Need indemnification clause in bylaws-looking for board members to do that.
Action – Denny Tsang to draft indemnification wording.
Insurance Status report: (Ellie)
Action – Include language in events waivers and/or welcome package about damage liability.
Action – Vendor contract and insurance info. Rene
New Business
Fall retreat: TBD
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 P.M. PST by Ellie Hochman (President).
Submitted by Carl Nelson
Bullet points:
Zoey Platt has started work.
* Leah & I met with her so
She could ask us questions.
* She is examining our choices of plugins to see how they fit the needs we have identified.
* We expect to hear from Zoey with solutions to implement the web sote.
submitted by Marcos
All set for September 30th
Set up at 8AM
Starts at 10 AM
Call for artists
All worked out with the city.
NWSSA will provide pedestals and
Will be looking for volunteers to set up etc.
Hopeful that Leon will show rolling pins.
The Deadline for call to artists is one week after Suttle Lake.