Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 4-19-22

Date 4-19-22
Time 6:30 pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Stephen Taplin, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang, Trever Contreras, Eirene Blomberg,
Tamara Buchanan
Absent: Rick Johnson Staff Present: none
Guests: Cyra Jane Hobson, Kentaro 0, Beth K, Barbara D.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 4-19–22 at 6:35 PM by
Denny Tsang who called the meeting to order.
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting. Minutes of 3-15-22 meeting were passed
-Agenda items:
~Suttle Lake update by Kentaro August 7- August 14th
Field Tech, work study, tools, stone and pedestals have all been organized for camp. 2 guest
artists and a presentation about public art is planned.
Covid restrictions- see below
~ Vaccination Policy at Women’s Hand Carving, Washington, Oregon Symposium
Cyra – PF has no covid policy and we are free to set our own policy.
No vax required
Encourage people to be responsible and take care of their neighbors by not coming if ell and
isolate and leave if one begins to get sick at camp.
Agreed that registrants will get a prorated refund if sick at camp and full refund if you cancel in
full before camp due to illness.

–Women’s Hand Carving Update
All agreed: Organizer can use budget to pay for room for night before.
Suggestion made: potluck to be in exhibition room that has good cross ventilation. Masks to be warn
in the Penthouse.

Rolling Pin Exhibit Update
Leon will be connecting with Old Alcohol Plant Social Media person (Jocelyn) to follow up with
He is getting pictures from Renee to send. He does not have them yet
He feels confident with getting people to hold the promise to do a rolling pin piece.

He reports that he will need help with set up etc on day of the event and will reach out for help
when date gets closer.
Did someone offer to step into Board Liason for this event? We should have someone to do

Cambria Symposium
Shall we consider discussion with Cambria sculpture group to join NWSSA Amy K to make a
presentation to begin discussion with NWSSA BOD. Financial implications?
To Do: Ellie will talk to Amy about elaborating more on this suggestion.

~State of the Website?
Board should identify what we “want the website to do”. Then, we can decide if we need a service.
Cyra suggested Square Space which cost $250 a year.
TO DO; Cyra offered to a lead a committee and would like help and info from others in NWSSA
Endowment: Tamara B.
Suggestion: Ad Hoc committee: one board member and find a long term
Advertise it
What we want, why we want it and how do we want to do this.
Next step
Possible Name suggested by Stephen T: “Rock Solid Foundation” Present idea at the Women’s Event,
Pilgrim Firs and Suttle Lake.
To Do: Tamara and Stephen Twill put together a paragraph about this.

Grant update:
Applied for $1,800 dollars to support the advertisement for the end of PF show.

Board Nomination committee update
Jeramy Kester Deborah Wilson
Treasurer position will be open- 2 year position
Trevor is willing to help with the transition.

Treasurer update:
Suttle Lake reserved but insurance not yet done paid.
Treasurer hired a tax professional to work with non-profit prepare Federal and State income taxes.
Cost: $500
Terrorism insurance was declined
Trevor suggested Ken Barnes for treasurer

Members update Passing of Pat Bartons wife Julieanne will end a card from the board.

Advertisement for Pilgrim Firs:
Julianne will do the advertisement for Pilgrim Firs.

Happenings: Stephen T agreed to do the newsletter for June.

~Cloud Stone- Tabled for next meeting Don Wodjenski is quite interested in sup
porting a gathering of NWSSA folk at Cloudstone in Hank’s memory. Kim Danner is willing to be the
point person
Next meeting is: May 17th, 2022@ 6:30 Executive session held :no
Meeting Minutes recorded on 4/19/22 by Ellie Hochman
Minutes submitted to board for corrections: 4/22/22


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