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Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 3-15-22

Date 3-15-22
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Stephen Taplin, Rick Johnson, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang, Trever Contreras, Eirene
Blomberg, Tamara Buchanan
Absent: none
Staff Present: none Guests: Cyra Jane Hobson CALL TO ORDER
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 3-15-22 at 6:40
PM by Denny Tsang who called the meeting to order.
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting. No minutes presented.
Meeting minutes will be entered in next meeting.
-Agenda items:
Follow up from last meeting Committee reports:
Treasurers report:
Trevor C, Eirene B, Denny T
Trevor presented the new 2022 budget.
Discussed projected income from the two 2022 symposiums (Pilgrim Firs and Suttle Lake) Membership
dues will cover The Journal.
RX- donation list
Women’s event will be added as a line item in the budget. Some changes were made
Tamara B made the motion to approve the budget as is:
Corrections made
Women’s event line item was added

Discussed Admin position and its compensation Renee’s compensation:
Rick J made the motion: $400 per month compensation for the contracted position of
administrative assistant. Steve T- seconded the motion Discussion occurred;
Bonus at the end of the year was added to the compensation package approved by the BOD.
Vote- Unanimously passed

Rick J moved: pass the full budget
Ellie Seconded Discussion occurred. Vote taken
Motion Passed unanimously

Pilgrim Firs Update:
Cyra Jane Hobson presented the following:
There will be 3 presenters at Pilgrim Firs
-Jade workshop
-Stephanie Robson
-Candice Grant
Rates are 950 early bird registration 800 for camping participants

Grants Committee:
Stephen T.
Researching grants that NWSSA can apply for.

Nominations Committee
Eirene B presented
2 board positions opening on board
Eirene Band Trevor Care leaving the board
Tamara Band Eirene have identified 6 possible candidates. Discussion: Renee handles the board

Membership Committee Report
Letter sent out from Sue K, chairperson was discussed:
Request for board to approve printing costs related to membership outreach.
Rick J: Committees should not have to ask board approval for money for printing each time..
Discussed committee chairs developing a financial report this year to be implemented in the budget
in the coming years.
Trevor will be consulted with the cost of the upcoming printing and will act as board
What are expenses for each committee to payment out?

Committees themselves need to know where they begin.
Here is my budget and this is what I can expect to spend based on last year’s budget
Tamara B made the following motion:
Honorary Lifetime Membership to George Pratt:
“In recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding loyalty and dedication to the Northwest
Stone Sculptors Association.
This honor recognizes your commitment demonstrated by your passion for teaching, mentoring, and
supporting the NWSSA vision. “
Rick J seconded
Motion Passed unanimously
Business to follow up in April meeting:
-Explore endowment fund- donations
-Discuss grant issues and general funding strategy Board discussion for the future.
-Stephen Twill begin an email thread to look at this issue.

Next meeting is: April 19, 2022 @ 6:30 Executive session held :no
Meeting Minutes recorded on 3/15/22 by Ellie Hochman
Minutes submitted to board for corrections: 3/21/22


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