Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 3-13-2024

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 3/13/2024

Time: 6:33 P.M. PST

Location: Virtual via Zoom


Board members: 
Ellie Hochman, Jeremy Kester, Stephen Taplin, Cyra Jane Hobson, Tamara Buchanan, Markos Weiss, Denny Tsang, Deborah Wilson, Michael Yeaman

Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All


Quorum: Yes

Staff Present: Renee Roberts

Guests: Rachel Jarvis, Karen Walsh Roe, Carl Nelson


A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 03/13/2024, at 6:30p.m. PST.  Ellie Hochman (President) called the meeting to order.

Approve Consent agenda: 5 min

Minutes from 2-14-24 meeting (see google docs)
2/14/2024 BOD Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Website support payments proposal 
$135 on the first of each month paid to the developer, Beginning April 1st, 2024 for monthly maintenance of the website. Approve in advance up to 2 hours  max @ $45 for April to do continued debugging. Approve in advance up to 2 hours max @45 for each symposium support/debugging.
A motion was made to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Yaeman

Website report – Carl Nelson

Oregon Symposium report – Denny Tsang, Rachel Jarvis 
2025 new site exploration underway. The Jade tent is coming back. 

Washington Symposium report – Cyra Jane 

Women’s Hand Carving workshop – Beth K. 

Old Business

Budget discussion 

Examine our current revenue stream. Look at anticipated budget expenses. How to develop a sustainable fund for operating expenses yearly

New Business

Survey results – Stephen Taplin

Development of a Web team-especially for symposium log ins and sign ups 

Thank you letter process

NWSSA Members Questions to the board: 5 minutes

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. PST by Ellie Hochman (President). 


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